Originally posted by Shpoop
5th candidates first picture is just normal, at first glace...hell i skipped right over it..but now it looks really cool, like something out of a horror movie, with the look on the guys face, and the hair covering the girls face
Definitely. I really like that photo a lot the more I look at it. I agree it really kind of looks like a still from a movie even.
Originally posted by The5thCandidate
Yeah, that first one surprised me when I got it back. I took it really fast, because I was walking backwards and trying hard not to trip over all the people around me, so I didn't even really know what it was of, until I saw the developed photos. It's a miracle that it was even in focus.
Well, you got lucky, cause the shot is great.
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero