Yes Roachboy everything is the Rights problem.
The evil businesses and the evil republicans are to blame... please cut the bullshit.
8 years of a democratic president didnt stop these people from what they did. Being allowed pretty much free-passes for the bombings of the Marine barracks, the USS Cole, the first WTC bombings sure slowed them down. Oh wait... being soft lined against these guys really worked now didnt it?
Economics is absolutely not the reason. Terrorists arent springing up from Africa now are they? and they're 100x worse off. The terrorists are mostly middle-upper class, so poverty isnt to blame. I've done MUCH research on it, from my Arab classes talking to my professors and their suggestions (read Khuri, he's a great Saudi historian). Every single one DOES NOT point the finger to the US. The only thing they say that helped draw attention to us is our providing aid to Palestine. They all put the blame on the Arab governments themselves, not us (hey what an idea). These people that become terrorists are so angry at their own government for withholding rights and being oppressive they have no where to vent, so the radicals come in and control this anger and point it to the west giving us the blame.
Hey what a novel idea! instead of blindly pointing the blame around... REASEARCH IT other than simple google which gives you ultra-right/left pages.