A few points:
1 - All my wife wanted were boys, but for one reason or another, once she was pregnant, it ceased to matter. We chose for it to be a surprise, and it was great to be in that moment of the actual birth to find out the gender. (btw, it was a girl, and we love her....she's now 16 months old).
2 - Maybe i'm "forward thinking", but the whole idea of having to paint the nursery a certain color or dress the kid a certain way because of their gender is completely ludicrous to me. Half of my daughter's clothes are from the boys section (only place to get blue jeans or khaki pants). Blue=boy or Pink=girl is so old fashioned and backwards thinking it makes my head hurt. When my daughter was very young, she would wear blue sometimes, and women would always assume she was a he. They would say "it's a girl, she can't wear blue!" and my response would always be "you're a girl, so is your entire wardrobe pink?" The whole color thing is just so people can be lazy and have an instant identifier of your baby's gender.
3 - If you find out the gender of your baby via ultrasound, fine. That's cool. But I think it's creepy when couples announce the baby before it's born. One of my wife's friends sent out these birth announcements 3 months before the baby was born. We had to call to see if the baby was premature, but she wasn't. I just have this weird feeling that if you go about naming the kid and telling everyone you're having a girl named Jennifer Grace or whatever that if anything tragic were to happen during the birth, you've invested that much more into it.
4 - Again, do what you will, but I strongly advise anyone who finds out the baby's gender to not allow the baby's name to be an open discussion with everyone. In fact, don't tell anyone what you are even considering for names. Why? Everyone will tell you why it's a dumb name, why their name is better, and ultimately, you probably won't name the kid what you wanted to. My wife's family is hispanic and we knew they would have trouble pronouncing our daughter's name (which is Dutch) so we didn't tell them her name until she was born and the birth certificate was signed.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel