I never said that mari-ja-wana was <i>good</i> for anyone. I think if anyone is thinking that sucking a burning plant into the lungs for the purpose of chemically altering the brain is going to be healthy, they're nuts. I don't know of any weed smokers that deny smoking, either kind, is bad for the lungs. I also don't know any of them that care to worry about that particular thought.
I further think that if weed was commercially grown and processed there would be far more control over what is in it. Perhaps even there would be a reduction in the "badness" of its smoke through farming / processing designed to do just that. Filtered weed anyone?
The drug marinol is pure, synthetic THC. I belive it has been developed to help shoot down medical marijay, and put the profits in the pockets of drug companies. Either way, the high from marinol is supposed to be the same, but it's free of all that smoking badness. It'd be an interesting experiment if the tablet was as available as the plant. Who would still smoke and who would take the cleaner pill to get high?
I just don't know too many health nuts that use mind altering substances, other than caffinee.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."