My junior prom, I took my friend Sara. We'd known each other for a really long time from church, and were really good friends, but we weren't dating exactly. That night we made out and fooled around a little bit and it was the weirdest thing EVER. It was like making out with my sister. The next day we agreed not to ever try that again. We're still good friends.
My senior prom, I took my friend Ava, who was only a friend at the time and who (I now know) I totally could have dated if I'd had a pair of balls back then. Oh well. We had a fun night--there weren't many "couple"-couples in our class so a dozen or so of us went all as a bunch of friends. Technically we were paired up, but it was really a big gang date. The girls made dinner at Ava's house, then we went to the dance, then we came back to her house and played games and had a party until the wee small hours. Good times!