Thread: BEE! in my EYE!
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Old 06-24-2004, 04:47 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Originally posted by phredgreen
...but i learned very quickly to let those bastards live in peace.
heh, heh. That reminds me of another good wasp story. Me and a friend were entertaining ourselves by hitting some neighbors with water balloons as they rode around my block when we were probably 10 or 11. The neighbors were having as much fun with it as we were since it was god awful hot. We thought we'd be sneaky and my friend climbed a tree so he could drop the balloons from above. As he was climbing I jokingly said "Watch out for the bees nest". He freaked out and dropped to the ground but I told him I was just kidding and he climbed back up. To our shock there was a wasp's nest in the tree and he put his hand right into it. He heard the buzzing first and jumped to the ground running. I thought he was kidding now but followed him as he was flailing his arms and stripping off his shirt. We ran into the house and his back was covered in stings. We held his white t shirt up to the light and saw half a dozen of them inside it still stinging away. I grabbed a spatula from the drawer and started whacking the hell out of his shirt on the kitchen table. There was wasp guts everywhere. We then, of course, had to seek our vengeance and pelted the nest with rocks, baseballs, even shooting arrows into it. By the end of the day it was the Little Big Horn for these wasps.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
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