I have a time share and my expenses would not be covered by the trades that I would get if i were to trade the one week into 2 weeks or if I even were to take one week and rent that out.
I would suggest buying a condo since you could buy one for little money. my first rental property was only $61k in Las Vegas and recently units have sold for 2x that amount. Not bad for a $6k downpayment and $100 positive income every month...
EDIT: I forgot to mention that my timeshare is paid in full, but I have not seen it sell or trade for what I paid for it. I do have a mortgage which is covered by the renter and I do make just a small profit off the rental after the rest of my expenses for that property.
Last edited by Cynthetiq; 06-24-2004 at 06:16 PM..