Originally posted by irseg
That van story reminds me of what happened to a poor kid I knew in high school.
He left his car running while it was sitting on a muddy field. I don't know if he left it in gear or if it started sliding on the mud, but either way it started moving and he grabbed the door to stop it. He slipped and was dragged under the car as it slid. The catalytic converter on the still-running engine pinned him to the ground by his stomach where he laid for at least a half hour before anyone noticed.
According to a nurse I knew who was on duty when he came in, he was still alive when the firefighters scraped him off the exhaust. It wasn't the burn that killed him--it was septic shock when the cat burned through his intestines. And he was most likely conscious through most of the ordeal.
I really can't imagine a much worse way to go than that.
There was a guy in town that had a minivan fall on him...the hoist he was working on gave out, and the safety locks failed.