I can't recall having known any mormons in my lifetime. Except for those that show up at your door kind. I did take a comparative religions class in college. Actually several as religion was my Minor.
I do remember them discussing the Mormon belief in Polygamy. If I remember right the reasons they encourage it is that they believe that the MAN is the only one that can bring the women into heaven with him by marrying them. The more souls he "saves" the higher a being he will become in the afterlife. I believe that is part of the reason for their geneologies as well. The Man saves his wives and offspring. If you don't know who your father was then you can't be sure you are of "holy descent".
Regretfully, I forget much of what we learned. I wasn't entirely too interested in the Mormans. There are really fairly few where we live.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.