LPM's right, it's not just men -
I'm not a lot better with doctors, after many many bouts of sun poisoning as a teenager, now, I get all sorts of moles and stuff that get removed, because I know my odds of getting skin cancer are extremely high, it's a struggle to go to the doctor to have them removed. Why? Because I'm not sure I really want to know the results.
Sometimes we can delude ourselves into thinking there's really nothing wrong, and tehre may be nothing wrong, but as long as we don't go to the doctor, then there is truly nothing wrong. However, that worry is always in the back of your head.
The rational part of my brain tells me I shoudl just go, and get it over with, and if there is a problem then I'll deal with it, and that's the part that wins in the end, but there's taht other part of my brain that says, well, if you don't go, then there's nothing wrong, if there was something wrong, you'd feel worse.
I hate going to doctors. I go only when it's extremely necessary.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.