Thread: Stereotypes
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Old 06-23-2004, 10:55 AM   #28 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
What do you mean, Canadians don't pet beavers?

While we don't live in Igloos, I have slept a night in one, and a friend of mine makes a new one most years for shits and giggles. Those blue recyclling bins make great block molds.

Edit: Time-lapse movie of igloo construction.

I have had the snow over my head. I was 12 years old, but still. =) And I have seen snow drifts that get that high.

Unforunetally, the only Americans I know well are smart ones, so no stupid American jokes here. =/ Most of whom keep talking about emigrating. ;-)

I can get close. How about a scary American story?

One day me and some friends decided to drive to upper new york state on a lark. It was 8 pm at night, and the boarder was 2 hours away.

We got to the boarder, and explained to the customs person that we where there for a lark, and would be back by dawn.

After about 2-3 hours, we fled.

The first bit of culture shock was the "24 hour bait, gun and ammo shop": it was the size of a supermarket, and had walls covered in rifles, open vats of live bait (catch your own bait!), and 2 for 1 ammo specials.

What eventually scared us into turning around was asking for directions at a gas station.

My friend went in. He came out 5 minutes later white as a sheet. He got in the car, and said "drive away, slowly, don't make any sudden moves".

When he walked into the gas station, there where 2 state patrollers in there.

One was 6'5", with a massive barrel chest, covered in kevlar armor, and a head the size of a pin.

The other was less physically impressive.

They didn't speak much, but when the large one spoke, it sounded more like a bull horn than a human.

He asked directions to Rochester, and tried not to look at the troopers.

One of them was sitting there, playing with the clip on his gun. In click, out click, in click, out click.

The other one was fondling his gun, and buttoning and unbuttoning it in his holster.

We decided that upper new york state maybe wasn't a place we should be driving about randomly at night, turned around, and went home...

Oh yes, and there was also those drunk people in a pickup truck whom we talked to at the primitive ATM. But that's another story.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.

Last edited by Yakk; 06-23-2004 at 02:23 PM..
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