Originally posted by Aborted
[B] They actually seized three small dinghys, which somewhat lowers the drama factor in all this.
This should be somewhat evident, as eight soldiers would not be able to run much of anythign that could be called a "warship." This is where the article starts to lose credibility, over-exaggerating facts to make the message sound ominous.
I'd be interested to know how the author of this article got hold of the information about sensor laying, as I was under the impression that patrols along that stretch of water were common to prevent militants crossing from Iran into Iraq.
It's the same place that 99% of these nuts get their information, pure speculation and fabricated facts. They were most likely on a routine patrol and went a bit too far in the wrong direction, a much more plausible theory.
So, Iran is conspiring to get Bush out of office? They also shot JFK ... And I thought I was paranoid.