I have already voted and I went Conservative. The reason being is because I think that the Liberal party is incompetent on every level and will not only continue, but will get worse.
I don't think the NDP can do what they want to do (lower taxes and pump up social programs) without extreme cost. 30 billion for healthcare? The lesser problem is money compared to bloated hospital administration costs. Reform that part then fund as necessary cuz that money will disappear and the problems will continue.
I am not a fan of the Conservatives in general but are the lesser of the evils for me. I like Stephen Harper though. I think he is very intelligent and could run the country but the reason people think he is extreme is because he is proposing lots of change and I think people in general are afraid of that.
It's to bad we couldn't have one vote for who we would like to have as Prime Minister and a seperate for local ridings. Maybe one day.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.