I'm a pretty liberal atheist, but there are certain things i do frown upon, such as favouring creationism over darwanism (to use a generalisation for evolution), religious schools e.t.c. While i am perfectly content with religion in society, it's a valuble part of it afterall, i just feel that teaching kids religion and only religion as the stem of their upbringing will leave them somewhat out of touch in a world that is increasing moving away from relgious icons and fundaments in modern society.
But, as for the original questions:
Gay Marriage - go for it, i've got a few gay friends, i don't see anything wrong with it.
Abortion - no problems with it, i have a close friend who had to have an abortion. The baby would have destroyed her life, and it's own because she would have been unable to properly care for it at her age. I don't think it's fair to force mothers to carry the baby to full term if they don't want to, because invariably both mother and child will suffer as a consiquence.
Gun Control - i'm very anti-guns, i feel they have no place in society except in the hands of law enforcment and properly authorised personell. You give a weapon that has that much power to anyone who isn't properly supervised, and the potential for abuse is huge. After seeing the dumblane massacres and other similar incidents here in Britain, i'm glad guns were banned. I would prefer not to live in a country such as america were guns are freely available, i just don't feel safe.
Prostitution - a grey area for me, i'm not for it, i'm not against it, just slightly in the middle.
Cannabis - legalise and legislate, put the same controls on it as you would alcohol and tobbaco and i have no problems.
Other drugs - as someone who has used a fair few drugs myself, i have mixed opinions on what to do with them.
Items such as cocaine and heroin i would keep illegial. The addiction potenital is still far to great. Things such as LSD, ecstacy and other psycotropics i would make legal, but still under heavy legislation. Speed is an ambigious issue, i'm not too sure on whether it should be legalised or not. I do like the stuff, but i've seen it do nasty things to people, and i'm not sure that society would have much to gain from legalisation.
Drugs such as painkillers, sedatives and other prescription drugs i would keep as that, prescription.
Euthenasia - yes, i am for this, but only for termanilly ill patients and people with severe mental problems (incurable sevre depression) who have made it clear they want to die, and have been properly analysed by SEVERAL trained mental health proffensionals and associated doctors.
As with most things in life that society frowns upon, complete legalisation is not the answer, but legislation to properly control and monitior issues is required.