Originally posted by raeanna74
It's called sleep apnea. If loosing weight (which commonly causes mre problems with sleep apnea) doesn't help then they have CPAP machines. It's forced air breathing. You wear the mask or whatever at night while you sleep. Some people find the inconvenience of the mask minimal compared to the improved sleep and greater energy during the day. Hubby was on a CPAP machine when he was intubated and unconcious from his head injury. Being on that machine for a week seemed to "train" his body to breath right and for about 3 months I never heard him stop breathing during his sleep. It may help retrain your body - at least temporarily to keep breathing. But yeah - loosing weight is probably your first best bet as I am sure that CPAP machine treatment is expensive.
Get some health insurance. It will be worth the cost if you want to seriously pursue getting rid of this. Then go see a Dr because other health problems can complicate it too. Get everything figured out and you may get some relief. IN the meantime - buy your wife a pair of earplugs - I know how it can disturb a wife's sleep.
Exactly. Sleep apnea was the first thing I thought of as well. I also think you're right to think your extra weight has something to do with it.
Good luck.