When I was 10 we did one for school. Most of what I wrote was what happened in school and how great a teacher my teacher was. Since she was reading it I brown-nosed a ton. (stupid kid)
Later when I was in highschool I kept one. My brother showed it to some friends and my Mom thinks a friend of mine stole it then when she saw it. Mostly all I recorded in Junior high and highschool was about the Berlin Wall coming down and then later about the Gulf War. Mostly I recorded statistics like how many planes were shot down one day, and what the latest movement of men was. I recorded about their boots - the boots they were originally issued let all the sand in and withing minutes they were walking with heavy sand filled boots. Shwartzkoff was pissed about it because they should have planned ahead and ordered new boots ASAP. Funny how little stuff like that sticks out in your head. Well I don't have that diary anymore - just the older brown-nose crap.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.