.. um what does this have to do with you being an anthropologist? What area of anthro is your speciality? These boards span across many different cultures.. and also I haven't read too many posts about being invisible.
I mean... I can turn on "invisible mode" on AIM and then no one will know I'm online even though I am.. in that sense I'm invisible.
I'm not so sure people believe that one can become Invisible, but that one can become EFFECTIVELY Invisible. This would be done with dark clothing in the middle of the night when the moon isn't out or in a dark building with no windows. Or simple camouflage while hiding in tall grass. You're not invisible, but effectively you are as you are not able to be seen.. especially in the latter case as you can see others but they cannot see you.
Of course, one can take this one step further and use the help of some definations.
1. Impossible to see; not visible: Air is invisible.
2. Not accessible to view; hidden: mountain peaks invisible in the fog.
3. Not easily noticed or detected; inconspicuous: “The poor are politically invisible” (Michael Harrington).
4. Not published in financial statements: an invisible asset.
First off lets throw out #4 as it doesn't really pertain to people being invisible... to those being picky... its not the style the topic refers to.
The first defination... it could take on many philosophical views. Right now I am invisible to you as it is impossible for you to see me right now. But of course its the common sense, it is about how you described it. People are visible... always.
But there are other definations that we must view before we are surprised that people think invisibility exists as perhaps they are using a different defination than you are.
The second one... this one actually follows that philosophical point to a T. If you can't see it right now.. its invisible. Much like George Carlin states that God is an 'invisible man in the sky.' It is not accessible to him to view, and thus God must be invisible.
The third one fits with camouflage. An Octopus on the sea floor is invisible as its damn near impossible to point it out until it moves.
I also used the word Invisibility, so lets look at that word as well.
n : the quality of not being perceivable by the eye
Well according to this.. invisibility exists to every blind person. According to this defination, everything is invisible to the blind.
I just thought I'd point all this out as you just said many people believed in invisibility being reality, but you failed to mention how exactly they viewed such invisibility to exist. According to these definations.. it does exist.