I elected not to...It didnt matter to me either way...I bought all the "pre clothes" in blues, greens, yellows, and whites. The only clothing I had for a new born that wasnt unisex was the dress I'd come home from the hospital in....fourtantely I had a girl..but I did have a back up outfit in case she was a boy. Also we lived in a rented house at the time of her birth and knew we would be moving shortly after (because of the way the lease timing was) so we chose to do the nursery in the new place as opposed to doing it twice and by that time we knew what we had.
I always told people if god wanted me to know the sex before hand my belly button would turn pink or blue
and the sleep thing...my daugther is almost 11 and the last nite I slept all nite long was the nite I went to bed at 11 pm and woke up the next morning at 7am in labor