Actually Bush was one of the most popular governors in the history of Texas. He did a LOT of good for the state, and his slogan of being a uniter was based off of his stay in the state, where he brought both sides together to pass a lot of needed laws.
This was no small feat considering that at the time the legistlature had been democratic since the civil war. A sign of how popular he was... after his terms the state swayed to republican, the first time in about 150years... even more of a feat considering the massive jerrymeanduring that went on.
Side note: now that the republicans are jerrymeanduring themselves the democrats threw a fit and left the state in a protest. To the populace it was as simple as a hissy fit (both sides mind you), and those that left the state found their public opinion polls at an all time low.
One person is no judge on how well a person ran an entire state (with the second highest population in the nation now). It's his popularity and the changes that continued after he left office that is the biggest sign.