I'm not sure if you like crash-coursing, or doing things gradually.
I'd advise eliminationg soda pop if you drink it. Right now, never touch another drop. If you want to wean yourself off it, drink club soda+fruit juice (50/50), and over a month stop drinking the fruit juice part (fruit juice is better than pop, but still not good in quantity).
Glycemic Index matters. (GI)
Glucose and White Bread are both fast-metabolizing evil foods. As is white rice, potatoes and (to a lesser extent) carrots.
Fructose (in fruits), Whole Wheat Bread (not brown, whole wheat), and other substitutes are better. They aren't "eat as much as you want", but they are better.
Fast metabolizing foods cause your blood sugar to increase rapidly (which, btw, makes you feel good), causing your body to release hormones that make it drop relatively quickly. With refined carbohydrates (high GI) the hormones take longer to dissapate than the food takes to be digested. This means your body is full of hormones that lower your blood sugar, and the flood of blood sugar drys up.
The result is a blood sugar valley. This makes you feel bad and makes you hungry.
Your body becomes hungry when your blood sugar drops below a certain amount. (well, that's a big factor). So, if you can take control over your blood sugar, and keep it more stable, you will be less hungry with less food.
Atkins and other "low carb, lots of anything else" diets, goes further than this, and exploits some other mechanisms. I personally find the metabolic tricks it pulls on you to be ... of concern. Without alot more knowledge, and alot of instruments to track biological signs, I wouldn't be comfortable using it.
(I am not a biologist or nutritionist, the above is based off pop-sci nutrition reading.)
For exercize, I could believe he is pushing 1100 cal/hour. That would be an intense workout however. Use more than 1 kind of machine to measure your cal/hour: otherwise, the machine might be miscalabrated.
How often are you exercising?
What kind of foods are you eating around the exercise?
Oh, and every beer is like drinking a glass of sugarly sludge.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.