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Old 06-22-2004, 07:09 AM   #58 (permalink)
Location: RI
Originally posted by Shades
Shortening for other readers
Do I expect anything from you? Yes, I expect you to be respectful of myself as I am to you. I don't go around claiming that you should go kill yourself because what you've done in your past offends me. Do I expect anything else from you? No. I spoke my opinion in the hopes that people would be willing to look at it and understand that not every person is the same. I was not trying to get you understand why a person cheats, I was telling you about my experience with it. I guess I might also be guilty for trying to stick up for a group of people that I am a part of in the hopes that we wouldn't get comments that tell us that we should be dead because someone would actually THINK before they posted something. And much against my desires, I will not respond in the way that I wish because I do not feel that it'd help the discussion.

This is not a black and white subject which many people seem to believe it is.

My girlfriend before my fiancee was a very flirty girl. Depending on a persons interpretation of what cheating is, she would be guilty of it on most except up to the point of sleeping with this other kid. I understand the reluctance of people who do not want to go out with someone who has cheated on them or someone else in the past. Within a month of going out with my fiancee she shared a passionate kiss with her ex-boyfriend. This was less then a month into the relationship, yet I forgave her.

So by defination, according to some, she should go drown because she cheated on me. I should drop her like quicker then you can say hello. Plain and simple. Right?

Now that is complete and utter bullshit.
If you actually thought about it and got the whole story you'd realize that there was more to it. This gentleman that she kissed was her past boyfriend(red flag for some, yes. It was for me, but I got past that). Their kiss, although uncalled for, was not initiated by her but she didn't totally resist it(moot point basically, he started, she didn't stop, I brought this up with our talk about it). It was a goodbye kiss between the two of them because they still had a few unresolved issues.
Did this piss me off? You're damn right it did.
How did I know that it was a goodbye kiss? I looked past her words and tried to understand her intentions. I watched her cry and beg for forgiveness. I took ALL of that in, and forgave her because I believed her. Had I just thrown it all out then I would have lost out on some of my better years.

Edit: Fixed a typo and made something a bit more clear.

Last edited by Fallon; 06-22-2004 at 07:42 AM..
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