I'm still a newbie at health and fitness, but I'll tell you what I know about weight loss.
1. eat 5-6 SMALL meals a day. By eating more regularly during the day, you will curb your "approaching mealtime" appetite that encourages you to eat large portions of food. As well, eating those 5 or 6 meals a day will keep your digestive system running and that means you will havea faster metabolism, burning more calories over the course of the day, even when not working out.
2. Count calories. If you really want to lose weight, watch how much you eat. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose fat.
3. Don't watch your scales. When you exercise, you put on denser muscle while losing fat. You can be getting a lot thinner and healthier and still not register much on the scale.
4. Eat healthy. Diets work mostly by starving your body. This is painful and tiresome to body and mind. Just really tone down nonessential fatty foods (like fast food), pop, chips, and other junk food that are just empty calories that are transformed right into fat. Make some yummy food at home- balanced and healthy. The food pyramid is a cool way to go about it. I taped one to my fridge door and make my meals based on it's requirements. I hope some other forum members can give you more specifics for what kinds of food to eat, as I am trying to gain weight and haven't checked that out.
5. Alcoholic drinks have tons of calories. 4-5 drinks a night can bring you up from 400 calories all the way to 600 calories. Empty stuff that goes right to the gut. When out at a bar, get some water or nurse whatever drink you get. It's not really that big of a deal,if your friends notice, tell them you're going out to have fun, not drink.
6. Keep records, write stuff down. It's a great motivator, and will keep you in track with your goals. heh oops- that should be number 1. Make a goal for yourself a few months down the road. Make a few goals in between. Outline the steps you need to take to reach that goal. If you have trouble with motivation, find the tools you will need to stay motivated throughout your program. put post it notes on your door to remind you before you go out. Put alarms on your phone to go off to remind you to workout/eat snack/light cardio/stretch whatever.
7. Allow for change. Don't make your program/life choice/work plan too inflexible to allow for error, slow going, mix ups, or trouble in your life. Imagine your life as a hose, bending this way and that as water flows through it. If your plan in inflexible, it is like a thin piece of balsa wood strapped to it. It'll snap and fragment and fall apart when you try to carry on with your usual life. Make your plan flexible and it will be strong enough to carry you to your goal.
8. Eight is my favorite number. There had to be an eight. Anyways, i'm probably missing a lot of junk, but I hope this helps you out.
P.S. (number 9): Check out some stuff on HIIT High Intensity Impact Training. It'll set your metabolism way up for the rest of the day and will help you lose weight. I think there are a number of threads about this on the board already.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim
Last edited by skier; 06-21-2004 at 11:34 PM..