only problem with the sampson's kiss is the lack of anything to stop the hand from sliding up onto the blade on a stab- I like the CRKT m-16's with the carson flipper- easy opener, usualy legal and the flipper serves as a great guard when its open- check the length rules of your state, and also the rules on opening systems- some of the assisited openers can be illegal some places- CRKT is one of the best for the money- cold steel is good but can get pricey- also, remember that if you have to use it as a weapon, you will go to court, and a tanto blade = the knife automaticly being considered a weapon instead of a tool that you happened to use for self defence....
BTW- I sell knives for a living, so i get this ? a lot- your local knife dealer also undoubtably gets this a lot, and could probably help you- which brings me to the next point- handle the knife you are interested in for there is any way to - one size does not fit all and you want to try the action, ect - any knife is useless to you if it does not feel right, you cant open it, ect... if you have to buy sight unseen, then ask about specific ones that you like- chances are that someone here has owned one, and may respond-
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens