I bought a 386 for $600 back in '94/95 not sure when. I got gipted(sp?) for sure.
I ran Doom II on it at about 15 fps
Don't remember all the specs but I had these:
1996 - 386 that I upgraded to a 486 and upgraded from windows 3.11 to Win 95
1998 - Bought and built my first pc. a 233mhz AMD K5. Ran Quake 1 really crappy. I put in a Voodoo 1 in it with a ATI all in wonder.
1999 - AMD K6 w/3Dnow! 400mhz with a Voodoo 3 which I still have around. Needs a hard drive. Ran Q2 great and Unreal like a dream. That machine kept me entertained for a long time.
2001? - AMD T-Bird 1.2 with a GF3 MX400. I think I already had HL2 installed on the previous computer. I wet my pants when I upgraded to this.
2003 - AMD XP2500 w/ FX5600 256mb. This machine the first to dissapoint me. Ran everything else ok. Not much of a difference from the previous machine except that it ran UT2k4 like crap for some reason.
Now - AMD FX53 w/ ATI X800 Pro. I wet my pants every day
I know that this thread was about the first PC ever own but it brought back memories.