Originally posted by pan6467
Rent (2 bedroom townhouse) = $650/month
Insurance (2 cars as both have to work) = $125/month
Health insurance (a decent plan) = $150/month
Gas and car maintenance = $200
Groceries (2 adults 2 kids) = $400/month
Phone just local calls only nothing else = $25
No cable can't afford it
No internet can't afford it
Electricity = $50
That's pathetic. If we, the "greatest country" to ever grace the planet cannot make sure hard working people can make more and live a decent standard of living without worrying about debts, then we are a very sad, greedy nation.
So let me get this straight. You're COMPLAINING that people who never bothered to advance themselves enough in life to get more than $7/hour (fast food wages) can afford to raise a family, live in a house, own and maintain two cars, have health insurance, plenty to eat, electricity, and a phone? That it's some kind of travesty that cable TV or Internet access would cut into their $400 food budget? If you're trying to garner sympathy for the working "poor" you're not doing a very good job at it.