Thread: RCA TV Troubles
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Old 06-21-2004, 08:42 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Well, it's a long shot but worth looking into due to ease of repair.
I had an old 27" RCA that experienced the same problem. The power button on the front was used so much that the switch was knocked off the board, although the plastic part of the button still felt like it worked. At the same time, it bent back the IR receiver on the board so you couldn't turn it on by remote either.

Simple fix, just bent the IR port back and didn't worry about replacing the manual power button. Odds are this isn't your problem though. Let us know how it turns out.

BTW: Please don't open TVs if you don't know all the safety precautions, it's very easy to get hurt or killed in an instant.
"Empirically observed covariation is a necessary but not sufficient condition for causality" - Edward Tufte
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