I can't loose this job. I live by myself and support myself. The ecomnomy is so bad here....jobs are so scarce.
If you were to report him, and he found out it was you, could you collect unemployment? If the center does shut down, could you collect unemployment, which would at least tide you over til something else comes along.
I want to do the right thing....but I don't know what the right thing is.
Yes, you do know. The only thing that's stopping you, which is a legitimate reason, is the your survival.
I know that what I am seeing is wrong, and it's killing me.
This kind of stress will affect your health, you're too young to have your health jeopardized by someone elses unethical practices.
SOmetimes there's safety in numbers, what about pulling some other employees aside and expressing concerns about the condition of the center, not about what the doctor is doing necessarily, but aboout the cleanliness, about general attitudes. Sometimes it just takes one person to make things right.
Calling the local SPCA is also your best bet, explain your situation, without naming names, yet, and see what your options are.