First computer I ever _used_ was a Microdata mini circa 1981 with the never-popular PICK operating system. I was a journalism major hired to put a software company's manuals in some kind of reasonable shape. I learned. Had a big ADDS Regent B/W terminal that pretty much ate my desk.
As a writer, even the minicomputer's limited text editing and formatting capabilities appealed to me, so in '82 I brought a used Apple II+ with two single-sided 160K disk drives, an Epson MX-80, an 80-column card, a modem card, a Microsoft CP/M card, and a bunch of used software. Cost $2500 for the package; at the time, a steal. Used it mainly for word processing, and heavily. Me and WordStar -- we were real close.
Sure don't miss that 300-baud modem, though. Painful.
Last edited by Rodney; 06-21-2004 at 07:18 PM..