I'm sorry for being a complete monster, but would you really want to live like that? Hourly physiotherapy so your joints don't stiffen is bad enough... but she has no feet or fingers, and she is burned to the third degree on 85% of her body. She can't walk or function. You know as well as I do as to how image based any society is, and she will have to go into counselling to deal with it.
I wouldn't. My neighbour down the street is only about sixty years old, and has multiple sclerosis. He calls me periodically because he needs help getting a menial task done; painting a fence or even getting a pot down from a cupboard. The man was a firefighter in his regular life, a do-it-yourselfer who built most of the house himself. Before the disease desecrated his body. When I'm over there, I can hear the misery in his voice, and sometimes he is so overcome with grief that he begins to cry. I can't even handle it.
Just something else to think about, I guess..