The support was never there so I don't see why one needs to argue against others going against us when they didn't support it.
It's like domestic politics, no different. If a bill passed by the slimmest of majority (1 vote) - you wouldn't expect too much support from the other side at all. They'll try to cut it down and at least get a compromise.
In this case though, it wasn't even near a majority that went for the war.
So I don't see a difference AT ALL - international or domestic politics, this is the same kind of politics, just on a different scale.
And to be honest, for all those who say support the government: the government has chosen to stay in the UN when it could have left. So why not support the government's choice if you tell others to? I just hate contradictions, i want consistency.
As for this relating to the original topic - I don't know, its the friggin Red Cross. They help everyone regardless and heck they were founded here in the U.S.