Gakface: I'm granting a special dispensation to SixEdxMia to answer this one. Watch this space for her answer soon.
Eugeni: just one physical presence here. I'll let you know how many personalities once I've finished counting them. Dont hold your breath, however, coz it might take me a while to total them all up.
SixEdxMia: There are two acceptable responses, the polite (I dont wish to talk about that) and the curt (None of your business). Use either as you see fit.
Peetster: general advice: Gun control is hitting what you aim at. humorous: Kill it and grill it. wisdom: never pull a gun out unless you are ready, willing and able to use it. geek advice: there is no reset button on a gun. carpenter's advice (modified): aim twice, shoot once. more humor: a big gun is NOT a substitute for a small penis. more wisdom: the best use of a gun is to leave it in its holster.
...that is all, for now.
SixEdxMia: yes, you may.
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...