1. Cabin Fever. The person who came up with that movie, ESPECIALLY the ending should be shot. Wow.
2. Drop dead gorgeous. I think thats what it was called... had Denise Richards in it. Holy crap, that was the worst movie.
3. Down with love. I'm a guy, and I hate chick flicks, and this is the epitome of chick flicks. I was drug to see it by my ex, and oh my god. The worst movie moment i've ever, ever sat through was Renee Zelwegger's 230947928374 minute monologue near the end, which recaped the ENTIRE movie. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
This list is just the movies i've seen. Honestly, if a movie is going to be crap, I don't waste my time. The first one I saw opening night, so hadn't heard anything about it, and it was way different from how it was advertised. The second one I saw on TV, the third I didn't have a choice. It was that or no nookie. I'm starting to think I made the wrong damn choice.
Go Pistons!