Telling people to just snap out of it shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation.
Where in my comment, or even in the spirit of my comment, did I mention for her to just 'snap out of it'? I agree with you that telling someone to just snap out of it is next to meaningless. The gist of what I was saying was that shrinks prey on the weak. I mean sometimes are unhelpful.
Why would anyone pay tens of thousands of dollars and work their asses off for years to get through med school if there wasn't any kind of benefit?
There is a benefit, benefits: A large bank account. Multiple homes. Expensive cars. Private schools. Fur coats, diamond rings, plasma TVs.
What do you think happens to revenue from drug sales? Do you think it gets shoveled into a big room where some CEO rolls around in it and uses $100 bills to light cigars?
The CEO, the CFO, the CTO, the CIA, FBI, CTC, DWI. They also snort coke and crank off their mistresses' tits with those $100s.
It irks me to no end to see people bitching about companies selling a product and making a profit, but ignoring the fact that THIS IS WHAT LEADS TO INNOVATION AND SAVES LIVES.
What pisses me off about pharmecutical companies is that theres a new goddamn anti-depressant medication out on the market every 6 months, along with a shiny new hundred-million dollar advertising campaign telling people with real goddamn problems why its best to use their latest synthetic poisons. Zoloft, Prozac, Tofranil, Elavil, Adapin, Effexor, Norpramin, Sinequan, Remeron, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Paxil TR. Why 20 different brands of the same fucking thing? As most people who take this stuff know, what it all does best is numb your brain, emotion, life-force, to where you just don't have the energy or give a shit about being depressed in the first place. Not to mention the inevitable physical and/or psychological addiction, which is great for business, by the way. And the same bleating caveat, on all the meds: "This medication effects the blahblahblah in your brain which MAY (or may not) have an effect on your central nervous sytem blah blah, which may be the underlying cause for depression. Basically, we don't know what the fuck causes depression, but take this and dont worry about it."
I stand by what I said about trying to weed out all the BS and to do in life whatever it is that makes oneself, and others important to oneself, happy. Substitute a more sophisticated word for 'happy' if you want: enlightened, contented, nourished, fulfilled, focused.
OP, I meant no harm in my comments and wish you strength.