I think my latest grudge seems to be against hp. They used to build some really high quality hardware. We've still got some LJ3's and 4's at work that just keep on going (usually only something simple and cheaply replacable goes wrong, 10 minutes and it's all running again, ready for many more years service). But in the last few years they've been taken over by the suits who just worry about profit margins and build complete shit and sell it for just as much as their old tanks (ie. heavy and indestructable).
I guess I just look back to the days when every company built products that couldn't be destroyed no matter how hard you try. Now everything is flimsy and cheap (just look at the DEC products before they were taken over by the peecee company known as compaq). Even on the low end, things have been going lower. back in the days of the 486's, cases used to be fairly solid steel, now their wimpy aluminium.
Why must the decent companies be overtaken by suits? All they do is try to save a cent here or there just so they can buy another ivory backscratcher.
I guess I could also complain about microsoft, but that's just too easy. Bad products and underhanded tactics don't go down well in my books.
</rant> You asked for it