Thread: workers comp.
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Old 06-19-2004, 02:44 PM   #1 (permalink)
workers comp.

Back in Febuary I was working in a medical facility doing above ceiling work, when I noticed a hot water pipe was leaking at the elbow,so I told a plumber about it and he took a look and turned off the pressure,then went to lunch. Having only a little work left on my own project ,I figured I'd finish up. then the pipe burst right in my face. I went to find someone from engineering, and he told me as a precaution I should go to the emergency room.Fortunately the water had had time to cool some so therewas redness,but nothing serious as to miss work or anything.I then contacted human resources at work and gave them my info and answeredpertinant questions. Then the following month,I get a bill from the hospital. workers comp had paid 72$ of 150$ bill. back to human resources I go and a couple days later h.r. called me and said everything was cleared up.THE next month I got billed again, but now my wife and son hove copays that I can't pay on because w.c. is dragging their feet.Icallh.r. again andshe calls w.c. and they tell her they need my date of hire,and hourlly rate. Then today I get a letterfrom w.c.witha release of medical records form to be signed and returned. Does any body out there know how I can get the results I need without having to send this form ? I find this to be unnecessary and a dewliberate effort on their part to get me to pay it myself and avoid the hassle.
izzzzy is offline  

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