Yes, it's sad. It is always sad when a family loses a beloved member, for whatever reason.
Some remarks suggest that since he was working, voluntarily, in the Middle East, he was in a way "asking for it". I cannot agree with that one. Working the overnight register at a gas station is a good way to get clipped, too. You take your chances every time you get on the Interstate. So what? How can you speak of freedom, and what America and being an American stands for, and in the same paragraph suggest that someone should not exercise their freedom to travel and work where they please, but instead stay as close to home as possible and avoid any and all risks? As if that were even possible in this day and age.
It's easy to get angry and express hatred and prejudice. Much easier than to try and understand the reasons, the causes and the effects. But as soon as you take the easy way out and say, "let's bomb the fuck out of all those towelheads", you've lost all respect I've had for you.
Reacting emotionally and without fair judgment is what one can expect from Johnson's family members, and they are entitled to it. But the rest of us have to maintain our composure and keep our heads - no bad pun intended - or else we're no better than the savages who slaughter civilians to make a feeble attempt at half-assed propaganda.
Hate builds nothing.
Who is John Galt?