Lotus Notes Archive
grrrr, so IT upgraded Notes to 6.0.3 from Release 5. BTW, I moonlight as IT, but during the day I'm payroll. anyway....
My archive was set to archive on a network drive. With the upgrade, it changed back to C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\archive and I don't have permission to change the path back to the network drive.
What supremely sucks about this, is that now my archive files are totally fucked! I had 2 separate files. So I dealt with the help desk to combine them. Now when I archive, my folder view in the archive doesn't update. For example, I create a new folder in my regular mailbox, put emails in there, and archive. In my archive, the folder doesn't exist, and the email is only available under the All Documents View.
So this was kind of a rant, but if there are any notes geniuses out there who would have an idea of why folders don't update in the archive, so I can school this notes "admin" on how to fix it, it would be greatly appreciated!! Currently what they're suggesting is I just start with a new archive. In my opinion that's like reinstalling windows because of...well any small issue we face daily, spyware, dialers, etc.
Until the 20th century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the charted electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one millionth of reality