The most recent "hate whitey" movie has to be <b>The Sum Of All Fears</b>
If anyone read the book, the bad guys are Arabs. But for the movie it was changed to Neo-Nazies so not to offend Arabs. Ask yourself, in today's world who would be a more believable threat?
Their are peaceful arabs who just want to get along with everyone, and then there are the evil fucks who should die. Why is ok to have White Nazis but not Evil Islamofacks?
Just another observation: Ever notice in movies with courtrooms, the opposing lawyer is almost always white. And the judge, if he's going to be against the star of the movie, is white. the bonus is that white judge is overturned by a black judge or a woman judge later in the movie. that crap "Bicentennial Man" is a great example of this.
It seems like old white men are great to use as evil bad guys who are afraid of change.
I ain't never seen no Brother on the Death Star!
When I jerk off I feel good for about twenty seconds and then WHAM it's right back into suicidal depression
Last edited by Mr. Mojo; 06-18-2004 at 12:40 PM..