There are some good points here. Halx, I don't think denims point is so far fetched. Perhaps if a small monitor was placed surgically under the skin, it would make tracking of the captive, as well as the captors, that much easier. I know it is out there as far as ideas go, but on the other hand, we were not able to find Paul Johnson until it was too late.
I also know people working there make a large sum of money as contractors due to the amlount of danger they face on a daily basis. I was listening to NPR the other day and it said in a few years someone can put away their entire retirement package. This wouldn't get me to risk my life though. Also, if you are an American and living in that area, you are taking your own chances by sticking around. It is unfortunate and I am truly saddened by it, but it never would have happened if he lived in the U.S..
-Homer Simpson