Another beheading
According to the news, it seems as if Paul Johnson was beheaded by al-quaida just like Nick Berg. If so, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
Now, as many know, I say what my thoughts are and do not sugar coat it. So if I piss anyone off with my next thoughts, then too bad, that is the way it is.
While my prayers go out to the Johnson family, Paul had a decision to make, and his was to work in the middle east. I am sure that he could have found work here, but his choice was to stay over there.
To me, the most important things in my life are my family, and that is why I choose to live and work in America. And yes, I am American. There is no fu*king way you could ever get me to work in the middle east. I don't care for how much money. Somethings ( like life ) are more important.
Unfortunatly, I now think that there is no way terrorism will ever stop, unless America or some other pansy ass country gets some balls and starts to do something. And unfortunatly, I don't think that will happen. The worst thing to happen to our country was seeing Ronald Reagan's term as President have to end. I truly believe, if he was still president, our world would be a safer place to live. But, this is not to be.
So my advice is... just continue to look out for yourself. No one is going to be there to help you, you are going to have to do it by yourself.
This is truly another sad day in American history.