[Sacred] RPG style game
Anyone have any major issues with this game? I've noticed that recently for some reason there are some major graphical error's in the game. For example, if I join a local multiplayer game there is a ton of latency. On my screen I see my brother on the same screen as i am. But on his screen I'm miles away.
THe last time I joined I came in as a directional pole, like a sign post. I could move around and interact for the most part... just didn't look like me.
My entire inventory is only 1x1 cubes of stuff, even the larger items. When I click on a larger item I get a red 1x1 cube that comes out of it.
When sending a message via the text messaging system as soon as I send the message it pauses both systems for about 2 seconds (not actually paused just freezes up)
anyone have suggestions on how to remedy this?