In 1954, post McCarthy era "Red craze," when communists were seen hidden under every rock and in every person who was considered "unpatriotic", the Knights of Columbus began a modern day crusade. It was through their efforts that "under God" was added. Read the story in their own words in this PDF document on their web site K of C story of the Pledge
(The story as about 1/2 way down the page).
There are groups attempting to restore the original Pledge. Among these is the Pledge Restoration Project.
This is a good site with a lot of links, information and history.
I support restoring the pledge because children ARE punished and ostracised for NOT saying it. My kids were denied breakfast and lunch at school and harrassed by staff for not saying the pledge. I have my own case filed with my local ACLU office in case the school starts up again.
Our reasons for NOT saying the pledge are not purely religious. They are also tied to the fact that the K of C made the push to get the words "under God" added. The K of C honors a man that nearly wiped out an entire race. What are we teaching our children when we tell them Columbus is a hero? That murder is ok...