- Intelligence - I can't stand being around someone who I cant have conversations with or discuss with, let alone be with them as a mate
- Tolerance - Bigots need not apply
- Warped sense of humor - If you can appreciate my humor, then you probably share in it
- Sarcasm - see above
- Patience - Im not an easy person to love.. I wont say why here, its something you have to want to hear to appreciate it. As long as she is patient everything should be okay.
- able to appreciate the simpler things in life - This is an odd one. I like someone who can appreciate everything, someone who has had to work hard in life to get or keep what they have. Some previous girlfriends who have had everything handed to them has slightly tilted my view of them
- oh yeah, and she has to like prime rib, steak, and cider or beer

she has to like Christmas and outdoors and fireplaces..
theres alot