I won't bother to defend myself because frankly the only opinions that matter in regards to my situation are mine and my exs. I will say my reasons for the 2 times it happened were anger and apathy, respectively. First time, I was just so pissed, I did as I pleased. Second time, it was only cheating cause I did it the week before I broke up with her instead of after.
I felt bad about it the first time, because well I felt bad about everything in our relationship. Was it the wrong way to handle problems in our relationship... well duh, but it was the path I took.
Second, I just didn't care about the relationship. The only reason I was still in the relationship was because I promised to wait until a specific date, so I did.
As for the go drown myself comments...
Fuck you
I'm glad your world is so simple, that every choice you make is the right one and you are always the person wronged. For some of us, the shit flies both ways and bad choices are made.