An actual democracy? - I've read Plato - the democracies we have in the free world are pragmatic representative democracies of various stripes. I don't see a lot of point in discussing democracy as a theoretical concept.
That charge of elitism comes in the requirement that matters of political discussion meet academic standards. There's no practical reason why that should be so - since no one lives or is ruled by academic standards.
I simply prefer a statement of views over the process of debate - which I find pointless. No one's views are ever changed by debate. Debate ossifies positions. Decisions are made by power brokering not by rhetoric.
I haven't said anything about conservative ideology in this thread. I believe a good citizen places his or her trust in one's government by a matter of personal choice.
I accept "feedback loops," "checks and balances." and the mechanisms of free expression as part of the process of governance and citizenship.
One can oppose one's government and still place one's trust in it.
The issue of trust that I am applying here is available to any of the dissenters, rebels, and others who've posted here. The fact that they don't like the idea of placing their trust in the government that governs them is a problem. That's my position.
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