You the president Nitrox or am I?
And I do think that I can easily say now that I won't cheat again because I know the pain it caused myself. Thoughts of suicide(much to many peoples apparent approval thus far) were daily occurances for me. Thankfully that's not the case anymore.
I think the pain that I felt taught me to not let it happen again because of the pain I put myself through and added pain that I put her through. So in my case, my pain was two-fold that was brought on by my own actions which in itself added even more pain to the fold.
It's interesting how some though are saying marriage is sacred, yet you're saying if it's not there, break that sacred bond. I had always thought divorce in Nitrox's case was maybe a little bit less worse then cheating. Case in point, catholics are no longer allowed to recieve communion if they get a divorce.