Originally posted by water_boy1999
Besides what you have told us, I don't know the extenuating circumstances that would lead you to cheat. If the marraige was that bad, why not get out of it? IMO, the institution of marraige is sacred between two people. If that institution is no longer valid, then move on to greener pastures. I know you accept full responsibility for your actions which is not cowardly, but the fact remains, you still cheated.
That is the truth right there. We all have choices and you cheaters made your choice. You could have done the right thing which would have been to end your relationships and move on. Then you can sleep with or do whatever with who ever you want. But to cheat is just wrong. You made that choice. No one made it for you it wasn't forced on you, you made a choice. I honestly think that in order to not cheat you have to have been cheated on. Once you experience that there is no way you would want to put another person though that. But I still don't think these people should be shot or anything I think thats wrong to they are still people and most people do deserve a second shot, but I do think that if it happened to them. Not to a friend a brother or someone close to them, but to them, then they would understand why people are saying the things they are saying.