"To cheat signifies a fault of personal character on the cheater's behalf, one that takes much work and learning to correct. To blame your cheating on your SO or the person you cheated with is the highest form of cowardice.
Ah, we are having problems with our short term memory I see.
If one goes back to my original post, I never pushed blame on anyone but myself. I merely got sick and tired of everyone on their high horses attacking those of us that stepped forward and admitted that we had cheated. If I was a coward, I never would have posted.
I merely wanted to point out that those of you who feel worthy of dishing out judgement from your thrones might do well to realize that there are always two parties in a relationship when this happens.
Would your morality play suffer a set back for me to tell you that my ex-wife posed naked for an old artist friend of hers, after which, from what I know, only making out and a little groping took place. And yes this happened before anything happened with me, and after she had decided that sex between us was no longer a priority.
I could have said, yay, now I'm justified. But I didn't, I accepted full blame, and said due to the destructive force of that event, I would never do that again.
Also, what university did you get your degree in that allows you to point out that I have (or had) a fault in my personal character that needs to be dealt with. It is a comment like that that leads me to believe that you yourself have a personal fault that you can so easily pass judgement on those you don't know.
Just some random thoughts.
Good day
Last edited by Nitrox; 06-17-2004 at 08:47 AM..