in Belgium, we've got a popular brand of ballpoints called Bic.
half the time, when people look for a pen, they just ask if they could borrow your bic.
a few years ago, there was a company that made eucalyptus/mint candy in little sugar-covered cones. They called em greenies, but the company's name was Valda. As a kid, all I heard my grandparents and parents call em, was little Valda's, no matter what the brand was (there were plenty of other companies)
Even regular household soap was called Sunlight instead of soap by older people, because at a time, that was the only big producer of soap around.
There's regular paper-glue here called Pritt. No matter what the brand is, most people will call the glue-stick a Pritt, just out of habit.
I know, I've noticed this trend as well, it's sort of comical, and a great achievement for any company I would think...
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