Originally posted by Nitrox
ruggerp11, I agree wholeheartedly. I cheated on my ex, but after looking back on it I realized it was because I never really loved her. The woman I am currently with I am truly in love with and I could never conceive of cheating on her. I have had many opportunities to do so, if I was so inclined, but I don't. And I realize the predominant reason is out of respect for her and our relationship.
So, I second, death to "once a cheater, always a cheater"
i can see what you are saying here...but i will have to say that if you have cheated on someone who you are TRUELY in love with, well you will most likely do it again. it takes a weak mind to cheat....and if you are that weak to cheat on someone you honestly love, then you are that weak to do it again.
i can say though that if you are not in love with the person and you cheat on them, you will probably cheat on that person again.....or if you are with another person that you dont love, you'll probably do it to them too.